Devil's business: overthinking

Overthinking as a lifestyle

We are all familiar with this phenomenon, aren't we? A boy you like has just glanced at you, but he looked kinda mad. So, what does that mean for God's sake?? "Men are so complicated, does he like me, does he hate me, what should I do?"

Svima nam je poznat ovaj fenomen, zar ne? Dečko koji ti se sviđa ti je uputio značajan pogled, ali izgledao je ljuto. Pa šta to znači kog đavola?? "Muškarci su tako komplikovani, da li mu se sviđam , da li me mrzi, šta da radim?"

Guess what, that was most probably just a glance with no meaning.
It usually happens, you know, human beings look at each other with no intention. And what do we do instead of just ignoring this: we excessively analyze stupid, irrelevant daily situations like the above mentioned all night long. Do we come to a realization? I'm not so sure. The only thing that happens is that we overload our brains with different explanations and usually, it ends up with negative thoughts which can only lead to stress or worse, depression.

Pogodi šta, to je najverovatnije bio samo normalan beznačajni pogled. To se obično dešava, znate, ljudi posmatraju jedni druge bez ikakvih namera. I šta mi radimo umesto da izignorišemo ovo: mi preterano analiziramo glupe, nebitne svakodnevne stuacije, kao gore pomenutu po celu noć. Da li shvatimo nešto? Nisam baš sigurna. Jedino što se desi je to što nam je mozak pretrpan različitim objašnjenjima i uobičajeno, završi se sa negativnim mislima koje mogu samo da izazovu stres ili još gore, depresiju.

It may sounds like I'm overreacting, but stop and think about it for a moment. How many times this week have you been up all night thinking about a certain person, who doesn't even care about you, or you kept thinking and criticizing yourself because of those poorly done school tests. By overthinking, you often end up blaming yourself for things that aren't your fault at all.
So next time after midnight when you even think about overthinking - stop it immediately. Try to relax and distract yourself.
  1. listen to your favorite tunes on deezer
  2. prepare a bubbly bath and enjoy yourself
  3. read a book or anything interesting online
  4. watch that movie you've always wanted to see
If these tips don't come useful, call your best friend who is there for you at all times. That has to help!

Možda zvuči kao da preterujem, ali zastanite i razmislite o tome na trenutak. Koliko puta ove nedelje ste bili budni celu noć razmišljajući o određenoj osobi koju bol uvo za vas, ili ste razmisljali i bili samokritični zbog tih loše urađenih testova u školi. Prekomernim razmišljanjem, često na kraju sebe krivite za stvari koje uopšte niste zgrešili. 
Tako da, sledeći put posle ponoći kada samo pomislite na prekomerno razmišljanje - prestanite odmah. Pokušajte da se opustite i odvučete sebi pažnju. 

  1. slušajte svoju omiljenu muziku na deezer-u
  2. pripremite penušavu kupku i uživajte
  3. čitajte knjigu ili bilo šta zanimljivo na netu
  4. pogledajte onaj film koji ste uvek želeli 
Ako ovi saveti ne pomognu, pozovite najboljeg druga ili drugaricu koju su uvek tu za vas. To mora da pomogne.

Hope you liked it,


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